Thursday, December 15, 2005

Final Task


Mini Saga/Legends

There are many colorful legends here in Portugal and I felt it would be worthwhile to share them with the universe. Therefore, our final task will be group work in which you will recount a Portuguese legend in English. Your group can work with your favorite or choose one from the file provided in class or the following link:

Easy, you say! No problem! Consider it done!

Well, before you begin you need to know that there's a catch. You will be writing mini sagas. Remember that a mini saga is a complete story in not more than fifty (50) words.

To get you started here is one example from the guided practice that we did in class on The Legend of the Almond Trees in Flower.

Once a Moorish king married a Nordic princess. Although loved, she was unhappy. To please her, almond trees were planted across the Algarve. One February morning the queen was surpised to see a white landscape similar to her home. Her sadness disappeared and she thanked her husband for the "snow".

Now you try it. Remember - 50 words or less. Be concise!

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